Ogun Police kill robber that shot DPO ON December 27, 2017

By Daud Olatunji
ABEOKUtA— THE runaway member of a robbery gang that shot and injured the former Division Police Officer of Ogbere, Ogun State, Mr. Adeyinka Akingbade, during an encounter with Police operatives at Ijebu-Ife on Christmas day, has been killed.
Ogun State Police Public Relations Officer, Abimbola Oyeyemi, in a statement, said the suspect, after shooting the DPO, escaped and fled to Delta State.
Oyeyemi said the Command had been on the trail of the suspect, who had been on the Police wanted list, since the incident.
He said: "Luck, however, ran out on him on Christmas day, when Police operatives received information that he was sighted in a beer parlour at Itawade area of Ijebu Ife.
"The policemen swiftly moved to the place, but before getting there, he had left. He was, however, traced to his in-law's house, where the Police operatives caught up with him.
"Having realised that the game was up, he brought out a pistol and started firing at the policemen. The operatives were left with no other alternative than to fire back; he was shot dead.
"Recovered from him are a locally-made pistol, a machete, assorted charms and a Toyota Highlander with two different sets of number plates.
"Recall that the former DPO of Ogbere was shot and seriously injured by the gang during one of their robbery operations at Itele-ijebu, where the DPO had engaged them in gun battle.
"The injured officer is still recuperating in a hospital.
"Meanwhile, the Commissioner of Police, Ahmed Iliyasu, has commended the resilience of his men in making sure that the last member of the gang was finally brought down.
"He, therefore, noted that this is a warning signal to any would-be criminal that no crime committed in Ogun State will go undetected."
